Do you know of someone who had back, neck, or extremity pain and worked with a physical therapist who helped resolve their pain using the McKenzie Method? Did this leave you wondering what the McKenzie Method of Mechanical Diagnosis and Treatment entailed? The McKenzie Method, also known as Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy (MDT), is an evidenced based assessment and treatment program for neck, back, and extremity pain. It is used world-wide by physical therapists and their patients. The approach involves a comprehensive and logical process to evaluate the patient’s problem. It begins with a thorough patient history and proceeds with testing of postures, sustained positions, and repeated movements to identify distinct patterns of pain and movement responses that are objective, reproducible, and reliable.
Centralization of symptoms is the most common pattern of pain response in the neck and back. It occurs when pain that has spread from the back or neck down the leg or arm reverses its course, with symptoms returning to the center of the back or neck, and then eventually ceasing. If centralization occurs through a series of movements, postures, sustained positions, and education, treatment is usually very successful and lasting.
MDT treatment utilizes a series of individualized exercises that are prescribed based on the patient's pain and movement responses during the assessment. They are based on the identified directional preference of movements that centralize or abolish pain. While some patients require hands on procedures by their physical therapist to fully resolve their pain, patients empowered with the McKenzie Method’s education and exercises may effectively treat themselves, safely restoring full mobility and function. By learning how to self-treat the current problem, patients learn how to minimize the risk of recurrence and rapidly self-treat recurrence if it occurs.
Physical therapists learn the McKenzie Method of Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy through The McKenzie Institute’s post-graduate training program. Providers who successfully complete the full series of courses and pass a competency-based credentialing examination attain primary certified status. Some continue their training and earn a diploma in MDT.
The McKenzie Method may help improve your condition if you have any of the following:
* Lumbago or low back pain
* Sciatica
* Bulging or protruded disc(s)
* Difficulty bending your back or neck due to stiffness or pain
* Pain that starts in the back or neck and spreads to the buttock(s) and / or leg(s) or shoulder(s) and / or arm(s)
* Intermittent pins and needles or numbness in the feet or hands
* Aching pain into the elbows or knees
* Arthritic pain in hips or buttocks, shoulders or upper arms
You may benefit from the McKenzie Method (MDT) if any of the following apply:
* There are periods in the day when you have no pain, Even 10 minutes.
* The pain is confined to areas above the knee or above your elbow.
* You have had more than one episode of low back pain or neck pain or joint pain over the past months or even years.
* You feel worse during or right after prolonged bending or stooping, such as when making beds, vacuuming, and gardening.
* You feel worse when sitting for prolonged periods or on rising from the sitting position, such as after watching TV or working on the computer.
* You feel worse when inactive and better when on the move.
* You feel better when walking?
If more than 2-3 questions apply to you, your chances of benefiting from The McKenzie Method® are very good. I recommend you locate a physical therapist with advanced training in MDT to help you. A list of certified or diplomaed providers with advanced training may be found on the Find a Clinician page on The McKenzie Institute's website.